Ginger Snaps 2

2004 Directed by Brett Sullivan

Horror Marathon 2024 Day 3 Film 7

The early 2000's has a lot of movies that seem to come out looking like something off of a CW TV show. The aesthetics are color timed through some blue/grey wash that gives a cold, desolate feeling; lending itself to being "edgy." This sequel doesn't add much that wasn't already explored in the first film- which carried with it more teenage angst and utilizing the werewolf metaphor as a transformation into adults.

Rather than exploring this it has some cheezy scenes in a mental institution where apparently one of the healing exercises is to have all the girls learn how to masturbate? It's an odd inclusion, along with the silly doctor's note of "lesbian?" when the girl is talking about her transformation into a hairy monster. The self harm seems to just be here for emo aesthetics, along with rambling visions of her sister from the previous film. To brighten things up Tatiana Maslany plays a plucky oddity of a character- who encourages and follows the werewolf girl to fight off a male werewolf that's on her trail.

Eventually there’s a battle, but the tension is lost as the girls escape the facility. It doesn’t truly seem to get into anything scary- with very little in the way of werewolf transformation and the gore effects for the werewolf are ok. But again this doesn't feel like there's much to the film beyond a silly twist ending and generic nu-metal vibes.

Although the full title is Ginger Snaps 2: Unleashed, it very much feels leashed, waiting to break out..


Lisa Frankenstein


Ganja and Hess