Creepshow 2
1987 Directed by Michael Gornick
Halloween Marathon Day 5 Film 8
This horror anthology has a few sparsely written ideas from Stephen King- complete with stereotypical Indian tropes. They're all essentially morality tales as well: Not stealing the tribal wealth, not being an oversexed 80s teen by the lake (probably the most fun meta narrative as the teens run into cheap special effect toxic goo like something from the 1950s), and not hit-and-running a hitchhiker while cheating on your husband. The intercut cartoon is done well enough with a throwback to Little Shop of horrors. The setups to the stories are basically the story itself- and George A. Romero’s screenplay doesn’t seem to add any great lines. If anything the tales are told too plainly- as the first Creepshow had some really campy moments that stand out.